ONE WEEK until our special “Deleted Scenes” show at the 2017 AWP Conference & Bookfair in Washington, D.C. Going to #AWP17? Join us on Thur, 2/9, at 12 noon (Marquis Salon 9 & 10, Marriott Marquis, Meeting Level Two)

Our switched-up storytellers have been working collaboratively over the last month to develop their true-life tales on the page. Before they flip scripts to perform each other’s story on stage, we wanted you to meet them!

From top to bottom: Jessie Vail Aufiery, Minna Zallman Proctor, Heather Lang, Mike Dressel. Artwork by Letisia Cruz.


Jessie Vail Aufiery is a fiction writer, poet, and translator. She is the World Literature Editor for The Literary Review, and has an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She lives with her husband and twin daughters in Miami. You can read some of her recent work in issue #2 of jai-alai magazine, Issue 31 of Petite Hound Press, and in the anthology Paris, Etc.: Writing and Illustrations. Find her online at

Minna Zallman Proctor is the author of Landslide: True Stories, out this fall, and Do You Hear What I Hear? Her translation from Italian of Fleur Jaeggy’s speculative essays These Possible Lives is out this spring. She on the creative writing faculty at Fairleigh Dickinson University and Editor of The Literary Review. 

This month, Heather Lang was voted Best Local Writer or Poet by the readers of the Las Vegas-based Desert Companion magazineNevada’s NPR member radio station’s print publication. Heather teaches World Literature, Asian Literature, and English Composition at Nevada State College. Her poetry and prose have been published by or are forthcoming with December, The Normal School, Paper Darts, HOOT, Pleiades, and Whiskey Island, among others. Heather holds an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University, and she serves as Online Managing Editor of The Literary Review and Co-Editor of Petite Hound Press. Last year her writing process was on exhibit at the Nevada Humanities Program Gallery.

Mike Dressel is a writer and educator. His stories have appeared in LitbreakThe James Franco ReviewChelsea Station, and Vol. 1 Brooklyn, among others, as well as in the anthology Best Gay Stories 2016 published by Lethe Press. He was recently the recipient of an NEH Summer Seminar fellowship. He is a frequent guest judge at The Prose Bowl, a flash fiction reading series.