Want to get your story down on the page? Gain more confidence on stage? It’s your time to do both!

QED Workshop Collage

Photos from our ‘Tongue-Tied’ workshop by Mike Dawson.

Registration is now open for our winter “switched-up” storytelling workshop at QED: A Place To Show & Tell and features:

  • A brainstorming session designed to kick-start your first draft, inspired by the theme “Sink or Swim.” All you need is a pen (or pencil, if that’s your thing) and paper to start!
  • Two story workshop sessions to help you refine your true-life tale on the page. Class size is limited to make sure every piece gets heard and every writer reads at each session.
  • An individual one-hour rehearsal with a No, YOU Tell It! director to work on your partner’s story.

Then you will perform on the Q.E.D. stage! The workshop finishes with a showcase where YOU, the writers, will swap stories and perform each other’s true-life tale for an audience.

Class dates are Saturdays 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, and 2/13 from 12-2 pm.

The workshop showcase is February 17th at 7:30 pm and open to the public.

$200  – Click here for more info and to register today!