
News from the world of No You Tell It

Legacy Bonus Gallery

LEGACY bonus gallery: We wanted to once more highlight the original artwork our hardworking graphic artist Sha-Nee Williams created based on our four stories. So, here are our storytelling pairs next to their respective images. Up top we have Team Silver: Fred Backus and Paige Blansfield. On the bottom row we’ve got Team Green: Nicole Greevy and E. James Ford.


Nerd: The Next Generation by Nicole Greevy

Now, switching it up to close out the evening, here is E. James Ford performing Nicole Greevy’s “Nerd: The Next Generation." 

League of Absence by E. James Ford

Opening the second half of LEGACY, here is Nicole Greevy performing “League of Absence” by E. James Ford. 

A Crossroad In Knock-Off City by Fred Backus

Now, switching it up, here is Paige Blansfield performing Fred Backus’ “A Crossroad In Knock-Off City." 

Origin Story by Paige Blansfield

Opening our LEGACY-themed evening, here is Fred Backus performing “Origin Story,” written by Paige Blansfield. 

Join us at the Comic Book Theater Festival!

As we said earlier, we had a terrific time taking part in the Brick’s Comic Book Theater Festival. We recommend you check out some of the other excellent offerings running through the rest of the month. On that note, some of the NYTI collective will be seeing the following performances, which feature storytelling alumni and supporters of our series:

  • Comic Strip Club on 6/13
  • The Astonishing Adventures of All American Girl & The Scarlet Skunk on 6/13
  • The Myth of Power on 6/17
If you’d care to join us, we’d be happy to have you!

Event Information

Brick Theatre, Metropolitan Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Thanks for joining us at Legacy!

Thanks again to everyone who joined us for our show LEGACY at The Brick’s Comic Book Theater Festival. We’d also like to extend another hearty round of applause to our heroic storytellers and graphic artist Sha-Nee Williams. 

We’ll post audio of the stories shorty. 

Don’t forget: our tour of the boroughs continues with our upcoming alumni reading at the Astoria Bookshop on Thursday July 17th


Comic Book Festival Opening Night

We had a great time at the opening night cabaret for The Brick’s Comic Book Theater Festival. Pictured is our producer, Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons, flanked by our Team Green storytellers Nicole Greevy and E. James Ford, and holding the artwork by Sha-Nee Williams that inspired our writer/performers.

Your one shot to see LEGACY is Sunday, June 8th. Tickets are $18 and available for purchase here. (Psst, we also have a discount code that you can use to save $3 off the admission price. Email us if you want it.)

Meet Our Legacy Storytellers

As promised, we’ve assembled both new and veteran NYTI performers for LEGACY, coming to The Brick’s Comic Book Theater Festival June 8th at 7PM. Think of it as our version of the superhero team-up. Let’s get to know them better:

Fred Backus is a theater artist and musician in New York City. He’s thrilled to be asked to return for another installment of No, You Tell It!, where he previously appeared in URBAN DWELLERS. He’ll be directing Maggie Cino’s Warm Enough For Swimming this August at the New York International Fringe Festival, and you can catch his band Deacon Bishop Revival when they play out around town, or by visiting
Story: A Crossroad in Knock-Off City

Paige Blansfield is a CSR professional by day and a director/choreographer by night. Recent credits include directing Gathering the Magic with Nelson Lugo and Brainexplode! and Rock, Paper, Scissors with Sneaky Snake Productions. In her previous adventures as a Casting Associate at Tara Rubin Casting, she helped cast productions of Jersey Boys, Billy Elliot, The Country Girl, The Farnsworth Invention, Rock ‘n’ Roll, and Promises, Promises, among others.
Story: Origin Story

E. James Ford is an actor who can be seen every week performing in the immersive theatre experience Speakeasy Dollhouse and its companion piece The Brothers Booth. He recently appeared as Blaz Anton in the rock musical BitchTwitch: The Kidnapping of Vicki Presh and can be seen as Adlai DiLeo in the sci-fi series Pioneer One. Later this year, he will appear in Futurists with title:point productions, The Dreary Coast directed by Jeff Stark, and the feature film Revolver starring Burlesque superstar Veronica Varlow.
Story: League of Absence

Nicole Greevy previously appeared in “No, YOU Tell It! : Just Desserts” and is ecstatic to be back for a second round with LEGACY. Favorite projects include the web series Exorcists Local 667 and the independent pilot Living in Captivity. She has narrated many audiobooks and should you happen to visit the Milwaukee Zoo this summer, you can see some of her conservation-themed plays performed at Kohl’s Wild Theater.
Story: Nerd: The Next Generation


You can purchase tickets here. 

June 3, 2014 Post Comment News Tags: , ,

Looking for Older Posts?

A lot of the No You Tell It Archive can be found on our old Tumblr page and on our Soundcloud page.  If you’re looking for older posts and classic NYTI stories, check there!  We’ll also be releasing some of our older stories on our Podcast, so make sure to subscribe and listen!

June 3, 2014 Post Comment News
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