Tag: alumni

Episode 65 – Alumni Show (Part 2)

Breakups can be confusing at times, especially when your heart parts ways with a city. Our first story takes us over the Hudson from New York City to New Jersey as our narrator reflects on what it means to move on from the place that she’s always loved.

In celebration of our 10 Year Anniversary here is a throwback swap. Part of our first alumni storyteller show at The Astoria Bookshop. “A Breakup Story” was written by Julia Granacki and is performed here by Molly Touger.

Top left: Julia Granacki; Bottom left: Molly Touger

Prompted by a social media challenge to replace your profile picture with your celebrity look-a-like, our next storyteller leans into her own definitions of beauty and identity as she starts to appreciate her likeness to Cher.

Switching it up, here’s “On Becoming Cher” written by Molly Touger and performed by Julia Granacki.

These stories were performed live on July 17th, 2014. Give a listen to the first half of the evening in Episode 5 of our podcast. Thank you to The Astoria Bookshop! Visit them at astoriabookshop.com.

Alumni Reading at the Astoria Bookshop

Jul 17 2014 @ 7:00PM

So, we’re putting the finishing touches on the stories we’ll be presenting at our special edition of No, YOU Tell It! at the Astoria Bookshop on July 17th. This evening will feature four of our series alumni: Julia Granacki, Marcos Stafne, Molly Touger, and Jeff Wills. After two years of presenting NYTI, we have a deep bench of innovative storytellers and we thought this would be a great opportunity to highlight the pieces they’ve been working on most recently.

You can find more info on our Facebook invite. Space is limited so please RSVP.

The reading starts at 7PM. The Astoria Bookshop is located at 31-29 31st Street in Astoria (btwn. Broadway and 31st Avenue), close to the Broadway stop on the N/Q train.

[Chalk art version of our logo courtesy of Marcos Stafne, who graciously hosted our first story meeting for this event. And provided snacks! Mmm snacks.]

Event Information

Jul 17 2014 @ 7:00PM

The Astoria Bookshop, 31st Street, NY, United States