We give our storytellers a new, evocative theme for each No, YOU Tell It! and ask them to come into our into our initial story meeting with a first draft inspired by that theme, allowing wide space for interpretation.

For our “In Transit” show, Colby Black and Brian Hutchinson brought in distinct, yet perfectly parallel, stories of their love affairs with cars.

Meet Erica, a souped-up temptress who lured Brian to spend his scholarship money on her. And, in the days before GPS, it wasn’t easy to find his way home. Read by Colby Black, here is Brian Hutchinson’s story, “One car: $2500.”

in-transit-photo(pictured left to right: Colby Black and Brian Hutchinson)

Switching up the stories, rare model Jolene led Colby Black all the way across the country.  Complete with a soundtrack by the Talking Heads, here’s Colby’s cross-country journey read by Brian Hutchinson, “My God, What Have I Done?”

Check out Colby’s latest creative endeavor, Renaissance Person, which he describes as “a happy hour for the insatiably curious” at RenaissancePerson.com.

Their next live event RP Presents: September Curiosity Quenchers is on 9/25 and you can click here for all the information.