Sep 28 2023 @ 7:00PM
I never drew more planes in my life! – Annie Shi
Delighted to meet artist Annie Shi at the Astoria Bookshop during the Queens Art Fair organized by Sunnyside Arts; we commissioned her to create this animated image of Elinor Smith’s 1928 flight under four East River bridges – Brooklyn, Manhattan, Williamsburg … and Queensboro!
Our storytellers’ true tales were inspired by Annie’s artwork, and we asked her about the experience:
When Kelly Jean first told me about this project, I was ecstatic that I could take part in such an important show but also worried that I wouldn’t be able to do Elinor Smith justice as I’m not used to working with historical figures. But with the help of Kelly Jean, Tim Lindner, and Bob Singleton of the Greater Astoria Historical Society, I learned a lot about Waco planes, barnstormers, and, most importantly, Elinor. We wanted to illustrate her story and achievements, which I’ve worked into a gif and short zine. I never drew more planes in my life!
Learn more about Annie below and get your tickets to receive your copy of her Elinor Smith-inspired Zine at our show!

I’m an artist based in Queens who loves storytelling, the supernatural, and cats! I also enjoy making bite-sized, cozy gifs and participating in art fairs during my free time!
The Greater Astoria Historical Society is the place to learn and celebrate Long Island City and its neighborhoods. Learn more at
This project is supported by funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, Statewide Community Regrants Program (formerly the Decentralization program) with the support of Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Legislature, and administered by Flushing Town Hall.
This project is made possible (in part) with public funds from the Queens Arts Fund, a re-grant program supported by New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and administered by New York Foundation for the Arts.
Sep 28 2023 @ 7:00PM
Grove 34 (31-83 34th St, Astoria)