Tag: podcast

Episode 38 – Blowback (Part 2)

A simple neighborly gesture plus an ill-advised night of drinking leads to stalking, harassment, and an ever-escalating sense of danger. Kicking off the second half of our “Blowback” show, here is Courtney Frances Fallon’s story “Wine Wednesday” read for us by Gabriel Berezin.

After another failed coupling spawned in the dumpster fire commonly known as Tinder, Gabriel  Berezin recalls his first sexual experience in all its fumbling teenage glory.

Switching it up, here is “Sexaholism” written by Gabe and read by Courtney Frances Fallon.

Stories performed live as part of our “Blowback” show on Wednesday, May 17th, 2017. Click here to learn more about our “Blowback” storytellers. Podcast narrated by Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons.

Scenes from a spectacular “Blowback” evening!

We were thrilled to celebrate 5 years of No, YOU Tell It! at our “Blowback” show this week! Molly Touger, Ariel Mahler, Gabriel Berezin, and Courtney Frances Fallon delighted a packed back room at Jimmy’s No. 43 with their stunning story swaps.

Thank you to everyone who came out! Audio from the evening available soon on the No, YOU Tell It! podcast.

SUBSCRIBE (available on iTunes and GooglePlay) to make sure you don’t miss out. Click here to catch up on past episodes featuring true-life tales recorded live at our shows.

Episode 36 – Migration (Part 2)

After years of staying on the fringes, Erika Iverson finds community and comfort through the intricate act of folding paper cranes in Union Square. Kicking off the second half of our “Migration” show, Ken Crossland reads, “September 18, 2001 or How I Became a New Yorker.”

They say breaking up is hard to do. But breaking up and then living together for another six months is even harder. Switching it up, Erika Iverson presents “The Six Month Brooklyn/Queens Reclamation Project” written by Ken Crossland.

These stories were performed live at Jimmy’s No. 43 on Wed, March 22nd, 2017. Click here learn more about our “Migration” storytellers.

Podcast narrated by Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons.

What is “switched-up” storytelling? Watch and see!

Ever wonder what No, YOU Tell It! is all about? Take a look:

Thank you to friend and alum Ellie Dvorkin for producing this lovely inside look at No, YOU Tell It! Check out more of Ellie’s brillance as an actor and artist at elliedvorkin.com.

Want to see us in action? Good news! We’ve got two great shows coming up:

Can’t wait? Never fear. SUBSCRIBE to our podcast on iTunes or GooglePlay and give a listen to switched-up stories from our live shows.

Like what you hear? Click here to rate us and leave a review!

Episode 32 – Alter Egos

A gig playing the role of mystery woman at the bar – part of a scavenger hunt team building exercise – has the narrator of “Agent Hotpants” questioning what it means to play games.

From our “Alter Egos” show, here is Katherine Barron performing “Agent Hotpants” written by Debra Disbrow.


Pictured left to right Katherine Barron and Debra Disbrow. Photo credit: Gili Getz.

Do we carry ourselves throughout the day as Dr. Banner or The Hulk? Hulk or Banner? Some days negotiating the shared space of the MTA can unleash our inner transit monster. Debra Disbrow performs “Not Afraid of the Dark” written by Katherine Barron.

These stories were performed live at Jimmy’s No. 43 on September 17th, 2013. Episode 32 narrated by Mike Dressel.

Here are the “switched-up” storytellers bios from that evening:

Katherine Barron up and quit her day job, what a gift! She journeyed north in 2002 from NC and will be here until the wind shifts. Days are filled with auditions, paid gigs, standardized patient work, writing, and tea with friends. Despite the overwhelming resemblance, The Incredible Hulk is not her brother. www.katherinebarronarts.com

Debra Disbrow is a performer, writer, director and educator based in NY. She has created original work for Dixon Place, Clown Theater Festival, Movement Research, Triskelion Arts, Fury Factory, Live Arts, Philly Fringe, Walnut St Studio and others. She was a resident interdisciplinary artist at Earthdance ElMerge for two seasons and sings on various recordings with the Roadside Graves and musician Jeremy Benson. Founding member of Workshop for Potential Movement and The Stenographers. MFA in Theater from Naropa University.

Episode 24 – In Transit (Part 2)

We give our storytellers a new, evocative theme for each No, YOU Tell It! and ask them to come into our into our initial story meeting with a first draft inspired by that theme, allowing wide space for interpretation.

For our “In Transit” show, Colby Black and Brian Hutchinson brought in distinct, yet perfectly parallel, stories of their love affairs with cars.

Meet Erica, a souped-up temptress who lured Brian to spend his scholarship money on her. And, in the days before GPS, it wasn’t easy to find his way home. Read by Colby Black, here is Brian Hutchinson’s story, “One car: $2500.”

in-transit-photo(pictured left to right: Colby Black and Brian Hutchinson)

Switching up the stories, rare model Jolene led Colby Black all the way across the country.  Complete with a soundtrack by the Talking Heads, here’s Colby’s cross-country journey read by Brian Hutchinson, “My God, What Have I Done?”

Check out Colby’s latest creative endeavor, Renaissance Person, which he describes as “a happy hour for the insatiably curious” at RenaissancePerson.com.

Their next live event RP Presents: September Curiosity Quenchers is on 9/25 and you can click here for all the information.

True-Life Tales with a Twist

We’ve had a busy 2016 with shows at QED: A Place To Show & Tell, Jimmy’s No. 43, and the recent Q-Boro Literary Crawls!

nyti-itunes-logoSave the date(s) for our upcoming shows at Jimmy’s No. 43:

  • Sept 14th
  • Nov 9th

What? No more switched-up storytelling until September? Not true! You can listen to the No, YOU Tell It! Podcast. Each episode features one pair of switched-up stories from our live shows.

Click here to listen and SUBSCRIBE on iTunes. New episodes launching all summer long. If you like what you hear, please rate us and leave a review!

Episode 8 – Uproar

Today’s “Two on Tuesday” stories are from our show UPROAR.

Peter Tinaglia is a graduate of the master’s program in voice at Manhattan School of Music. In this story, he reflects on a horrifying undergraduate experience where a mere slip of the tongue led to unintended consequences.

Merritt Minnemeyer performs “Ms. Lorimer… If You’re Nasty.” Written by Peter Tinaglia and directed by Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons.



Switching it up! Merritt Minnemeyer writes about losing a loved one and how to care for the ones left behind. Peter Tinaglia performs “Mourning Becomes Elijah” written by Merritt Minnemeyer and directed by Erika Iverson.

These stories were part of our Uproar show on November 18th, 2014.

Here are the switched-up storytellers’ bios from that evening:

Merritt Minnemeyer is an educator, writer, performer and advocate. She holds a BFA in Acting from NYU and has nearly 20 years experience teaching and producing theater in and outside of New York. She is most passionate about employing those skills in the social justice arena, and is currently pursuing a Masters in Humanistic/Multicultural Education at SUNY New Paltz. Most recently she founded Tipsy Gazelle, LLC with a focus on developing a community arts space in a 200 year old home in Beacon, NY where she resides with her three children. Merritt is deeply grateful for and honored to work with NYTI.

Lyric tenor Peter W. Tinaglia is a recent graduate of the master’s program in voice at Manhattan School of Music. He was seen as Fatty in MSM’s Spring 2013 opera Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny and was featured in MSM’s Spring 2013 musical revue Side by Side by Sondheim. Also while at MSM, Peter participated in the Opera Scenes program, Mr. Ken Merrill’s seminar on the music of Kurt Weill from 1927-1933, and the American Musical Theatre Ensemble’s production of Ragtime. Favorite opera scene work includes Alfredo (La Traviata), Pinkerton (Madama Butterfly), Edgardo (Lucia di Lammermoor), and Don Ottavio (Don Giovanni). Favorite regional opera and operetta credits include The Rape of Lucretia, Così fan tutte, Les Contes d’Hoffmann, Kismet, and The Great Waltz. Peter is a proud graduate of Northwestern University (B.A.) and Boston University (M.S.). In addition to performing, Peter maintains a private voice studio in New York City. He also works as a non-profit project manager and teaches introductory project management courses online at Boston University.

November 10, 2015 Post Comment Podcast Tags: , ,

Winners! Newtown Literary’s Book Trivia Night!

The No, YOU Tell It! team took a break from casting the pods this week to participate in (and win!!) Newtown Literary’s Second Annual Book Trivia Night in Astoria! We had so much fun and were happy to help raise money for Issue 7 of the journal, which comes out soon and includes our own Kelly Jean’s personal essay Waked.

Newtown Literary is published by Newtown Literary Alliance, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping support and promote new and emerging writers living in Queens, NY. Submissions are now open for Issue 8 until Jan 10th, 2016! Find out more here.

Pictured left to right is our wicked smaaat team: Erika Iverson, David Trudo, Jessica Cannon, Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons, and Mike Dressel. Speaking of podcasts, click here to give a listen to Jessica Cannon – literary savvy voice over artist and NYTI alum featured in Episode 6!

newtown book trivia

What do you win at a Book Trivia night? A bag of books from our friends at The Astoria Bookshop, plus TONS of other great local prizes! Thank you to Newtown Literary and everyone who worked on organizing the event.

Two weeks until our last show of 2015! See you at No, YOU Tell It! ‘Temper, Temper’ on 11/17 – 7 pm at Jimmy’s No. 43. FREE! RSVP via Facebook.

Episode 6 – Revival

Today’s “Two on Tuesday” stories are from our ‘Revival’ show recorded live at Jimmy’s No. 43.

How much should we reveal about ourselves? And what exactly do we leave behind?  Jessica Cannon contemplates these questions for the digital era in her story “Internets is Forever,” performed here by Matthew Trumbull.

Revival photo

How often have you found yourself in the midst of a terrible situation from which you couldn’t escape? What if you were literally center stage? Switching it up, Jessica Cannon performs Matthew Trumbull’s harrowing tale, “Last of the Metamoras.”

These stories from our ‘Revival’ show on April 15th, 2015, at Jimmy’s No. 43 were directed by Erika Iverson. Here are the storytellers bios from that evening:

Jessica Cannon is a New York City based actress and voiceover artist whose voice can be heard in national television commercials and radio spots for major brands such as Twizzlers, ALL, Citibank, AT&T, Hershey’s Kisses, Coffee Mate, Nexxus, Smirnoff Ice, Nesquik, and many others. Her work also includes voicing promos, cartoons and video games. She is an avid reader and a classically trained musician. If you’re young enough, you may remember her from your potty training days as the host of Potty Power, the number two best-selling potty-training DVD on Amazon (no pun intended, Elmo beat us to the number one spot).

Matthew Trumbull is an actor and writer, and was featured as a storyteller earlier this month in Soundtrack Series at QED in Astoria.  He will next be appearing in the play The Butter and Egg Man produced by Retro Productions at the Gene Frankel Theater, opening May 15th, and the feature film ‘The Spike’, written by Mac Rogers.  Previously this year, he starred in the opera/theater piece The Velvet Oratorio by Edward Einhorn and Henry Akona, and the play The Temple by Nat Cassidy, at the Brick Theater.


October 20, 2015 Post Comment Podcast Tags: , ,
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